TikTok Adds Photo Mode To App!

Did TikTok just steal Instagram users in this new move to add photo mode to their app? 

According to their recent blog update, TikTok has a good chance of grabbing some unhappy Instagram users. 

Many users have expressed displeasure with the many changes Instagram has rolled out over the last several years.

Instagram Users Go Unheard

One of the loudest cries heard around the world was when the announcement came earlier this year that Instagram was no longer considered a photo-sharing app. 

Something that many users were very frustrated about considering they had built their entire brand around sharing photos. 

People begged Instagram to reconsider the offer, they have begged to travel back in time to 2018 when Instagram was fresh and people could share content and build relationships with people simply by posting photos. 

Time Consuming Video Creation

Most people agree that making videos does take extra time and as someone who works with small businesses, it can be difficult to utilize videos to the extent that Instagram wants. 

But there is a reason video has become popular. It creates connections with your audience. It creates a relationship with your brand similar to those relationships developed when someone becomes attached to a character in a TV show. 

Video isn’t going away, it just isn’t. 

Though, Instagram users might have a good argument as they originally signed up for an app that was all about still photos. It was about snapping a photo and sharing it. Whether that was a lifestyle photo or nature photo or a photo of your kids at the park. 

One of the key elements in any good marketing is social listening. It essentially means that you listen to what your audience is saying. You listen to what the audience of your competition is saying. 

When you find a weakness in what the competition is doing that allows your company to create a solution and potentially win over that audience.

Which is exactly what TikTok has done. 

Instagram users couldn’t cry any louder and it appears those cries have been unheard as Instagram moves forward at lightning speed with new features and updates. 

While Instagram was busy making these changes, Tiktok heard Instagram’s audience loud and clear. 

Have you started using the new Photo mode feature? Will you create a TikTok account just for this feature?


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